Architects and civil engineers must now alert the construction regulator about any work on dangerous structures, the Building and Construction Authority announced on Monday.

Dangerous structures pose a threat to public safety and are generally at risk of collapse. Work to repair or remove them must be approved by the Planning Authority, which generally fast-tracks such applications.

As of Monday, project architects are also required to rope in the BCA. They must email the regulator to request clearance for such works. Emails must be sent to and must include a site responsibility form and a copy of the project’s insurance policy.

The BCA will automatically approve such works, allowing them to proceed without delay given the urgent nature of work on such structures.

Architects must then upload a copy of the site responsibility form, insurance policy and BCA clearance letter to the project’s folder on the Planning Authority eApps platform.

The BCA said it was introducing this new policy following consultation with the Kamra tal-Periti.

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