BCRS Malta, the operator of the national Beverage Container Refund Scheme, said on Tuesday that it collected 204 million beverage containers in its first year, now coming to an end. This was 79% of the single-use beverage containers in circulation. The containers have been forwarded to an approved operator for recycling.

"This significant milestone reflects the company's unwavering commitment from the onset toward environmental stewardship and responsible recycling practices," the company said. 

"We've taken significant strides towards minimising waste and fostering a culture of recycling," Pierre Fava, company chairman, added. 

Alan Meilak, CEO, said these figures reflected a remarkable achievement but also signalled that there's room for improvements.

"Achieving an even more significant impact will require closer collaboration and enforcement between the government, businesses, and the public. If each stakeholder embraces their role and plays their part, this success can be magnified, propelling us toward a more sustainable and efficient recycling ecosystem."


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