Gozo Bishop Anton Teuma will lead a pontifical concelebrated mass on the feast day of the Beheading of St John the Baptist at the Xewkija Rotunda, today, at 7pm.

Mro Colin Attard will direct the orchestra during mass.

The Precursor Band of Xewkija will then execute a musical programme under the direction of Marvin Grech in Xewkija square at 8.45pm.

There will be also bouncy castles for children and a food stand in aid of the restoration projects of the rotunda. At 10pm, there will be the traditional bonfire of St John. Visitors will also be able to taste It-Torta tal-Bajtar ta’ San Ġwann (fig pie).

The event, organised with the collaboration of Xewkija local council, will be brought to an end with a fireworks display.

The religious functions will be broadcast on Radju Prekursur 99.3FM stereo and streamed on www.radjuprekursur.com.

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