A 37-year-old bus driver has died after succumbing to his injuries following a traffic collision on Monday.

The man was named 37-year-old Hussein Shah by his employer, bus company Tallinja. 

Shah was critically hurt in a collision with a van that forced the temporary closure of Regional Road on Monday. 

In a statement on Tuesday, police said that Shah had died at Mater Dei Hospital. 

Hussein ShahHussein Shah

Tallinja said that Shah was a Pakistani national and a father of four children, adding that they are deeply saddened by his loss. 

He joined the company earlier this year, having previously worked as a bus driver and school bus driver in the United Arab Emirates. 

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends in these difficult times," they said. 

The incident happened yesterday at 10.30am on the southbound lane of Regional Road

The bus, which was not carrying passengers, ended up straddling the centre strip and debris was spread over a wide area, causing the closure of busy traffic lanes.

The van was driven by a 39-year-old woman from Naxxar who was not seriously hurt.

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