The helpline set up for the public to report abuse related to the construction industry, and health and safety issues received 14,474 calls in its 21 weeks of operating, averaging around 100 calls per day. 

The Ministry for Construction reform continued with its awareness campaign to promote the helplines this week, visiting several communities to meet with citizens and answer their questions about construction-related issues.

Some 11,311 of the total calls received by the helpline were for the Building and Construction Agency, which regulates the building industry. 3,163 were related to the OHSA.

The hotline's busiest week was between November 25 and December 1, where 1,100 calls were received, pushing the daily average up to 157 calls per day that week. 

Conversely, things were quieter over the Christmas period, with December 23 to 29 turning out to be the hotline's quietest week. 

Despite the holidays, that week still saw the line receiving 216 calls, averaging 31 calls per day.

Acting BCA chief executive Roderick Bonnici said that the 138 helpline has allowed authorities to address the public's concerns with more efficiency. 

He expressed satisfaction with the public’s response during these community sessions, which also provided valuable insights into how the service could be further enhanced.

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