Q: I have ordered a curtain rail inclusive of installation from a local company and paid a deposit. I would like to know what are my cancellation and refund rights if the item is not supplied within a reasonable time frame?


A: If the sales agreement does not include a specific delivery date, the Consumer Rights Regulations stipulate that the company must deliver the curtain rail within 30 days from the order date.

If the product is not delivered within the agreed time frame or within 30 days from the order date, then, as a consumer, you have the responsibility to write to the company, requesting delivery by a specified date.

In this communication, it is crucial to inform the company that failure to meet the stipulated deadline will result in the cancellation of the sales contract and a refund request of the deposit paid.

If, after this correspondence, the problem remains unresolved, you have the option to file a complaint with the Office for Consumer Affairs.


Want to submit your own query? Write to the MCCAA.

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