A solo exhibition by Mary Rose Saliba is currently being held at the Banca Giuratale in Victoria.

Through her lens, the visual and conceptual artist transforms the natural world into a series of striking and soulful paintings, showcasing elements such as landscapes, seas, trees and beaches. 

The Voice of Silence provides an open space for the viewer to contemplate his/her existence with the natural world and the importance of conserving it.Saliba’s works convey a powerful philosophical, psychological and spiritual message, revolving around the co-existence of dualities ‒ exploring the aesthetic form of nature’s harmony in the face of the widespread erosion and degradation of primordial rural areas.

The artist considers this complex duality a symbol of the human condition, placed within a cultural, historical, geological and biological context.

From an early age, Saliba, born in 1972 and residing in her native village, Żebbuġ (Gozo), has displayed a fond inclination for art and design. She holds a master of arts course in social practice arts and critical education, a BA (Hons) in fine arts at the MCAST Institute for the Creative Arts and an extended diploma with distinction in health and social care.

The exhibition remains open until January 26. Opening hours: Monday to Friday between 7am and 2.30pm; weekends and public holidays from 9am until noon. 

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