Dar Arka to inaugurate refurbished first floor

Mgr Jimmy Xerri is the home’s new director

15 hours ago| Times of Malta |02 min read
Arka Foundation manager Marco Formosa (left) and foundation administrator Owen Teuma visiting the newly refurbished first floor at Dar Arka in Għajnsielem. Photo: Charles SpiteriArka Foundation manager Marco Formosa (left) and foundation administrator Owen Teuma visiting the newly refurbished first floor at Dar Arka in Għajnsielem. Photo: Charles Spiteri

Gozo Bishop Anton Teuma will celebrate mass to mark the opening of the newly refurbished first floor at Dar Arka in Għajnsielem on Saturday, March 15, at 10.30am. 

The mass will also be a thanksgiving celebration for outgoing director Fr Michael Galea, who provided his services to Dar Arka for 15 years, and the welcoming of the new director, Mgr Jimmy Xerri.

The Arka Foundation, a voluntary, non-governmental organisation that promotes the welfare of people with special needs and their families, opened its doors 25 years ago.

The mind behind the foundation was the late Mgr Manwel Curmi.

Dar Arka recently underwent a refurbishment project on the groundfloor building. Manager Marco Formosa said the project cost more than €400,000. Among others, the project included the laying of new marble flooring and a new electricity and water system.

Formosa said 20 people live at Dar Arka, while the foundation also runs two other facilities, Dar Ġublew tal-Ħniena and Dar il-Madonna ta’ Pinu, which house 10 people. 

“They all have work and live in a community atmosphere, having a permanent carer on a 24-hour basis,” Formosa said.

He added that a fourth facility is in the pipeline.

Dar Arka houses two therapeutic pools and a multi-sensory room used by disabled people. To run the respite centre, the foundation employs around 50 workers.

The foundation is making an appeal to those who would like to offer donations or voluntary work to call 2156 5773. Donations can also be sent on IBAN number: MT31VALL22013000000040017808653.

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