More than a dozen cars sustained flat tyres on Friday afternoon after heavy rains carved out a massive pothole on a busy road.
Frustrated motorists contacted Times of Malta to report vehicle damage as they drove through Triq il-Għargħur in Iklin, corner with Triq Dun Karm, near the Scan outlet.
“It’s mayhem here. Drivers are getting out of their cars, furious,” one motorist said, describing the chaotic scene.
One driver counted at least 12 cars sustaining flat tyres though he was sure others had simply driven on not realising the damage.
Despite calls to the authorities to repair the pothole or divert traffic, no action had been taken by 4.30pm, leaving hundreds of drivers to navigate the treacherous road or rely on sheer luck.
A motorist claimed the pothole had been present for weeks, but Friday’s heavy rain worsened the damage, while the flowing water concealed the hazard from drivers.
Malta was battered by gale-force winds earlier in the day before a sudden downpour caused widespread flooding, worsening road conditions.