Enemalta has thanked its workers and technicians for working tirelessly as Malta was faced with a spate of power cuts, and lashed out at "propaganda", which it said had exacerbated the problems.

In a Facebook post, the corporation said its workers had worked around the clock, with supply being restored on Saturday night to all affected customers in two different areas.

"Enemalta has noted with regret the negative comments and propoganda spread by certain individuals that have only served to add to the pressure and difficult conditions that our workers were already facing," it said. 

The corporation did not identify the negative comments and propaganda it was referring to.

While pointing out that the works required specifically skilled workers, Enemalta assured the public that "all investments are in line with all regulations".

It said it had already laid 82 km of new underground high voltage cables, commissioned 32 new substations, carried out transformer uprates and switchgear replacements, among many other works to strengthen its distribution network. 

Frustration has been mounting throughout the week as power cuts impacted several areas around Malta and Gozo, the second time in a year that the outages have happened amid a heatwave. 

Mobile generators have also been placed in certain areas to provide back-up to the outage, which the authorities say is down to problems with the distribution system.


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