Erasmus+ participants from Sicily visit partner school in Victoria
Two institutions discuss the possibility of organising an eTwinning project

Italian teachers from the Comprehensive School IC Privitera-Polizzi, Sicily, recently visited Sir Arturo Mercieca primary school in Victoria as partner of the Erasmus+ project ‘We Know, We Learn, We Share, They Have Fun!’
The teachers were welcomed by school head Lelio Spiteri. They then took part in discussions, wherein they discussed the possibility of launching an eTwinning project – an online space for teachers and school staff to collaborate and develop national and international projects.
They also explored the possibility of facilitating student-educator exchanges between the two schools.
After the meeting, the teachers – Dario Orlando, Benedetto Lo Piccolo, Gisele di Liberto and Luigi Vangelista – were taken around the school by the headmaster, after which they were presented with certificates of recognition for their participation in the Erasmus+ project.
The cproject activities concerned the acquisition of key skills in order to increase the motivation of students and to ensure the harmonious construction of groups, taking into account the challenges related to diversity.
Erasmus+ has offered teachers of all ages the opportunity to develop and share knowledge and to implement digital technologies in their teaching, learning and assessment practices in order to create a fun and engaging environment for all students.
Furthermore, participating teachers came into contact with new experiences in schools, institutes and organisations of the host countries.