The Happy School at Rabat primary celebrated Eucharistic Day with a series of solemn and joyous events. The highlight of the day was a special mass for all primary students celebrated by Fr Martin Cilia MSSP at the Don Bosco Oratory chapel in Victoria. In his homily, Fr Cilia focused on the importance of the Eucharist and the presence of Christ in our lives.

Following mass, a solemn procession with the Holy Eucharist took place from the oratory to the school. Upon arrival at the school, Fr Cilia

blessed the school community with the Holy Eucharist. This reinforced the spiritual bond between students, teachers and staff and the children attending the Happy School.

The celebration was a profound expression of faith, bringing together the school community in worship and reflection.

It served as a reminder of the centrality of the Eucharist in the Catholic faith and the importance of nurturing a spiritual environment within educational institutions.

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