The feast of the Holy Name of Jesus will be celebrated at St Dominic parish church, Valletta, today. There will be Holy Eucharist adoration at 5.15pm, followed by solemn Mass celebrated by parish priest Michael Camilleri at 6.15pm. After Mass, the effigy of the infant Jesus will be carried in procession in the church.

Historically, this special feast honouring Jesus’ name is closely associated with the feast of his circumcision. According to Jewish law, on the eighth day after Jesus’ birth, a male child was circumcised, received his name and became a full member of God’s covenant people.

The Holy Name Society has been in existence since the Council of Lyons in 1274. In Malta, it was introduced by Fr Gerald Paris OP in November 1928 and is now established in nearly all the parishes of Malta and Gozo. Each year, the society organises a national congress, days of reparation in the various parishes and retreats for its members. The society also organises meetings in clubs, bars and factories to teach people to respect the name of God and avoid cursing and blasphemy.

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