A  €160,000 flood protection scheme has begun in the area known as  Tal-Bebbux in Żurrieq.

The stormwater project was developed to protect communities in the area from flooding in the winter months. 

This rainwater collection and retention system will cover approximately 140 metres and will eventually connect to an existing flood relief system in Blue Grotto Avenue, a statement from the public works department said. 

Parliamentary Secretary for Public Works, Omar Farrugia, said the new system was essential for residents living in the area.

“This system, which will complement other works already completed in recent months, in this locality, is designed to reduce the flooding problem and ensure the collection of the majority of rainwater,” he said.

Architect Mario Ellul explained that the project involves the construction of culverts along the road, where pipes and rainwater retention boxes will be installed. 

Mayor of Żurrieq, Rita Grima said the project would provide great support to Żurrieq residents. 

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