A restored pipe organ is currently being installed at the parish church of Our Lady of Loreto in Għajnsielem. When completed, the organ will incorporate historical pipework from the church’s old organ installed by the famous British organ builder Henry Willis & Sons (1896).

Being one of the most versatile organs in the Maltese Islands, the organ will contain 65 stops, four manuals and two detached consoles. The 22-ton instrument is being located in two chambers built above the sacristies. At the moment, organ builders Noel Gallo and Michael Farley are working on the left chamber. When complete, visitors will be able to view the organ from a walkthrough glass bridge specially designed above the intricate pipework.

Church volunteers are currently cleaning the pipes and other parts of the organ, which have been delivered to the church months ago, but had to be stored in the church since the chambers were not finished.

When the organ is completely installed, it will have 2,700 pipes, the longest measuring 4.8 metres and the smallest less than 10cm.

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