Gozo lawyers demand government action on new law courts building
The current law courts building has space and accessibility issues

An association of lawyers in Gozo reiterated complaints on Monday that no site has been found for a new law courts building.
The courts in Gozo are located in an old building just inside the citadel in Victoria.
"The new forensic year has started, with no solution having been found for the acute space problem in the Gozo courts, as well as the inaccessibility of the current building for the elderly and those with disabilities," the Avukati Għawdex association said.
It noted that a site was identified in the past, but it would now be developed as a car park, whereas the original proposal was for a law courts building with extensive parking facilities.
In January 2023 the Court Services Agency had issued a call for a new site for the law courts, but no one knew what had become of that call.
The association urged the authorities to identify a site and set timeframes for a new court building, as the people of Gozo deserved.