The annual general meeting of the Gozo Philatelic Society was held at Il-Ħaġar cultural centre last Sunday. Reports read out during the meeting confirm the committee’s sterling work, especially the engagement of new members.

Of special mention were events connected with the society’s silver jubilee. Also worth mentioning was the fact that the society’s office in Victoria’s Main Gate Street is being opened on Saturday mornings for those who would like to use the library and admire the Juncker collection and other collections acquired by the society from time to time.

The GPS, founded in 1999, now has a mascot too: ‘Pawlu l-Pustier’.

The meeting was concluded with the presentation of certificates and gifts to those who took part in the 2024 annual exhibition.

Jesmond Borg won the George Vella Trophy for Best in Show, while founder members were awarded a commemorative plaque. The main sponsor of the exhibition was MaltaPost.

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