A new half way house for female prisoners carrying out the last part of their jail term will be set up following the extension of an agreement between the Social Policy Ministry and Fondazzjoni Rise.

The service, which helps prisoners integrate into the community, is already available for male prisoners.

A 24-hour residential and community based service will assist the prisoners physically, spiritually and from socio-legal and pyschological aspects, a news release announcing the centre said.

Minister Michael Falzon said the agreements are spread over a three-year period and €1 million will be allocated for the project.

Fondazzjoni Rise chairperson Charles Mifsud said the programme was offered to several people on parole and following a residential programme.

In the final months of their sentence, prisoners who show they have turned their life around are given a chance to integrate in the community, work and contribute to society rather than be a burden, he said. 

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