KM Malta Airlines announces codeshare partnership with Turkish Airlines

The agreement comes into force on June 15

June 4, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
KM Malta Airlines has announced code sharing with Turkish Airlines. KM Malta Airlines has announced code sharing with Turkish Airlines.

KM Malta Airlines has announced a codeshare agreement with Turkish Airlines, an airline which flies to more countries than any other.

The agreement comes into force on June 15 and will provide passengers with more flexible travel options on direct flights between Istanbul and Malta, KM said.

Within the scope of the deal, KM Malta Airlines will place its marketing flight numbers on Turkish Airlines flights between Istanbul – Malta and vice versa.

The new code share will mean greater convenience for flights between Malta and Istanbul.The new code share will mean greater convenience for flights between Malta and Istanbul.

Turkish Airlines CEO Bilal Ekşi said that not only did this partnership enable Maltese travellers to benefit from the wide network of Turkish Airlines on a global scale, but it also promoted tourism between the two countries.

KM Malta Airlines Executive Chairman David G. Curmi said Istanbul is a major hub connected with Malta twice every day, offering Maltese customers a large choice of destinations.  

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