A law banning forced sterilisation has come into effect, making Malta the 10th country in the world to criminalise this.

Tabled in parliament late last year, the law means anyone who subjects a child or adult to forced sterilisation procedures, or assists in procuring that, faces up to nine years in prison. 

Doctors will however be allowed to sterilise a patient when their life or health are in serious danger. Adults will still be able to get sterilised if they freely consent to it. 

The bill was tabled in parliament by Inclusion Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli.

Speaking on Friday after it became law, Farrugia Portelli encouraged more European countries to follow Malta's example.

She praised the work of caregivers working in the disability sector, particularly those within Aġenzija Sapport, where 75% of employees were women.

Farrugia Portelli said the government was committed to safeguarding and protecting women's interests in society.


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