Lawyer and former Msida mayor Alex Sciberras will run to become the Labour Party's next president, he announced on Friday. 

This comes after the current party president, fellow lawyer Ramona Attard, announced that she would not be seeking re-election in the role, nor any other role within the PL at its upcoming general conference next month. 

Announcing his decision in a Facebook post, Sciberras, who is the son of the late Judge Philip Sciberras, said his involvement with the Labour Party started 20 years ago in its youth wing and eventually served as Msida's first Labour mayor. 

He has also sat on the district council and held various positions within government in recent years. 

"In every step that I took, I have always been driven by a sense of loyalty towards what the Labour Party represent and the ideals it was founded on," he said. 

"Today I recognize more than ever that we must open up the party to ideas and voices that keep our movement alive and dynamic." 

The Labour Party will be holding internal elections on September 13 and 14 at its September general conference, including for its two deputy leader positions. 

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