We need a change in government
It would be amiss were the Nationalist Party, presently the one and only party representing the opposition, would not have, by now, formed a strategy to bring down the Labour Party as the only party governing Malta. The PN and its many followers cannot wait until 2027 when time runs out for the Labour Party to govern.
The PN has gained enough support in the June 8 elections to start conceiving a strategy to bring down the government and partake in a general election.
One has to be living on the moon not to heed the upheavals that are being caused to John Citizen.
There are so many serious flagrant cases to mention. I do not have enough space to remind you of the innumerable cases of government and civil service members being implicated in fraud, corruption and money laundering.
Just follow the current court cases involving them. So many of those involved have been assiduously defended by the prime minister that it makes one’s stomach churn.

Following a unanimous decision by the Nationalist parliamentary group, backed by the upper echelons of the party, the PN would merely set one condition to the government, which will have to be accepted, as otherwise, the opposition would not set foot in the parliament building on October 7.
This happened before, during the Mintoff/Fenech Adami era. Although it took its time to work, it worked.
Dom Mintoff was flabbergasted, annoyed, by the lack of presence of the opposition in parliament.
An agreement was reached as to how seats in parliament were to be allotted following the perverse result of a general election. The majority number of votes attained by one party would eventually decide as to who should govern, and not the number of seats gained overall.
This decision made gerrymandering of electoral districts before elections hardly worthwhile.
In the present scenario, the opposition must simply and expeditiously proclaim that general elections have to be held this year. No ifs or buts by the government. The people have had enough.
Why should the opposition rely on multi rallies of the people to elicit the government’s consent to hold an election?
The government has scratched the bottom of the barrel. It cannot govern. There are many reasons I am sure you are aware of. Staunch, pacified action has to be taken. This government is inept at governing. It has no money, so it keeps borrowing. For how long?
This government is not fit for purpose. Yes, the end is nigh.
Please, take the necessary action, Bernard Grech. Show us that your party means business. You are repeatedly saying that only with a change in government can the country move forward. But when? The sooner, the better, I guess.
Anthony J. Saliba – St Paul’s Bay