Grech shoots at his own foot
In a recent speech, delivered after the June election results, which somehow persuaded him to start counting his chickens, the supposed leader of the opposition solemnly declared: “Whenever I am prime minister, I will not commit illegalities.”
This is the same Bernard Grech who had to admit that, for 12 long years, before he was persuaded to challenge Adrian Delia for the PN’s leadership, he had kept committing illegalities by under-declaring his yearly income as a lawyer. In one particular year, he even claimed to have earned less than a pensioner, just €6,500. He used to pocket VAT money earned when hosting students, instead of sending the money to the VAT authorities.
Since Grech has been PN and opposition leader, his habit for “illegalities” has not waned. Since 2021, he has failed to conform with the law financing political parties by not submitting the PN’s audited accounts and the list of donors, despite repetitive reminders sent to him by the Electoral Commission.
And, yet, this political nonentity believes that Maltese and Gozitan voters can be easily duped into believing that he and his PN can offer “good governance”, “transparency” and “rule of law”. And zero tolerance for “illegalities”, which he has in the past, and still is, committing.
Eddy Privitera – Naxxar
Holistic tourist destination

We refer to John Vassallo’s article ‘Too many tables and chairs’ (June 29).
The writer states that the Comino redevelopment project should be stopped because “the only development should be an upgrade of the existing hotel, keeping to the identical footprint and height and not taking garigue or beach front into the private domain”.
HV Hospitality would like to clarify that the proposed redevelopment will, in fact, be set on a smaller footprint. This project will also increase the protected garigue habitat and reduce the land taken up from the coastline, freeing up the foreshore at Santa Marija Bay so all visitors to Comino can access areas previously blocked.
Over 8,244 square metres of built-up area will be restored back to its natural state through an unprecedented regreening process involving more than 55,000 endemic trees and plants.
The entire project – including the hotel and bungalows – will be managed by Six Senses, the world’s leading eco-luxury hotel brand, as one holistic tourist destination, as envisioned by the concession and no part of the property will be sold or leased for residential purposes.
Kristina Borg Cardona, director of communications, HV Hospitality Ltd – Marsa