Consider lowering age of consent to 14, court suggests

Boy aged 15 and girl aged 14 are charged with defilement.

Education campaign yes. Decreasing age of sexual consent to 15 and not lower is arguable but, if done, it should be banded. That is, 15- and 16-year-olds can only sexually adventure with someone who is no more than three years older than they are. – E. Joseph Grech

More pressure from the new world order… Something that Germans also passed very recently where child pornography was also quasi decriminalised. – Jesmar Cremona

No way. Magistrate Abigail Critien has no right to impose her liberal views on society. – Christian S. Borg

Warped reasoning. Because Europe is doing it, let’s do it. Because many are doing it then it’s acceptable. Sexual biology and maturity do not proceed at the same rate in humans. Let’s opt for more sexual education and more awareness of the consequences. – Carmel Fenech

Most certainly these kids are not criminals and they should not have experienced the trauma of being judged in a court just for being sexually active teens. – Ramon Saguna

A magistrate has called on legislators to consider lowering the age of consent. Photo: Shutterstock.comA magistrate has called on legislators to consider lowering the age of consent. Photo:

Sow the wind and reap whirlwinds. Then, just redefine as a strong wind of change.

The responsibilities of one’s actions need to be explained and taught in schools since we have to assume this is not being properly done at family levels.

Driving a car has its risks and responsibilities. So does sexual activity out of a recognised union previously known as marriage.

Responsibility is not protected by abortion but by self-discipline and the financial situation of the person who will give birth to a human. Facts, hard facts.

What does lowering the age of consent resolve? Nothing. Maybe less court traffic. – Carmel Ellul

Lowering the age of consent is a decision that must not be taken lightly. Implications can be severe and devastating. Will it protect the minors or will it decriminalise abusers who exploit the vulnerable?

Education remains the fundamental key; then one could perhaps consider decriminalising the act rather than lowering the age of consent only in cases among people within the same age bracket (14- to 16-year-old). But let’s not open a door to abusers and paedophiles to feast on the back of vulnerable adolescents. We have far too many problems as things stand. – A. Mifsud

If more people get caught speeding at 150kph, by that “logic”, should they increase the speed limit that much? – Reuben D. Spiteri

The problem is not the age of consent but the police who are strong with the weak and weak with the strong. I mean, dragging a 14- and 15-year-old to court after they had a baby?

Leave the age of consent as it is, 16. What is needed here is common sense on the part of the police.

And educate the police. Maybe they grow some discerning brains. – Jake Zammit

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