Republic Day
The 50th anniversary of Malta as a republic marks the end of the island being represented by a foreign power.
The Maltese proved to the world that, as a nation, we can govern ourselves and contribute to the development of the world.
British monarchy representation ended and the Maltese obtained freedom on independence.

The role of the president is important and the person chosen to occupy that office represents the Maltese people.
However, being a republic is not just symbolic time for Malta. Fully representing ourselves both at a national and international level comes with its duties and obligations. We should be defenders of peace, justice and democracy.
The islands we live in must be protected.
We have to fight for democracy, equal rights and opportunities, better education, a better environment, and much more.
We determine our destiny now, and we should safeguard our reputation and freedom.
Mark John Galea – Sliema
Scraping the bottom
The pseudo-political group calling themselves Repubblika is considered by many as the extreme faction of the Nationalist Party. And its member and legal advisor, Jason Azzopardi, is considered as the most extreme of the lot, closely followed by Karol Aquilina and his brother Robert, in that order.
If any sensible person had any shadow of doubt on what I am saying, such doubt would have certainly faded away when the news broke that Azzopardi had initiated legal proceedings to force the police commissioner to investigate Malta’s nominee as European commissioner, Glenn Micallef, just days after he had not only passed with flying colours the grilling by the various political groupings in the European Parliament but ended up having the highest approval of all 27 nominees.
That was too much for Azzopardi and his Repubblika cronies to stomach. So, he found a way to try to implicate Micallef in a scandal story just because he had been CEO at the prime minister’s office.
Azzopardi’s real aim is to try and scupper Micallef’s nomination. This is another glaring example to expose the lengths Azzopardi and his PN Repubblika cronies are ready to go to tarnish Malta’s reputation, especially within the European Parliament.
So, I expect either David Casa or Peter Agius will now get involved to spread the word among their EPP friends to cast such a shadow on Micallef’s acceptance as European commissioner, thus hoping to scupper his nomination on the eve of his official appointment.
Azzopardi ought to bear in mind that those who project themselves as some knight in shining armour fighting corruption is the same person who was involved in the Fekruna, Spinola and Lowenbrau land deals scandals.
Eddy Privitera – Naxxar