The Levant Music Festival this Friday will bring the curtain down on the Gozo cultural calendar this summer.

Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri said no fewer than 130 cultural activities were held over the past 12 weeks. He said such activities were held all over Gozo and were aimed not only at meeting everybody’s preferences but, more so, at having a positive impact on all those who opted to participate.

The minister noted that, as summer bows out, one would now focus on different types of activities, like the opera season – preparations for which have already started – and those related to Christmas.

Shawn Schembri, one of the festival organisers, said Tribali will be the “distinguished” guests. Gozo band Chasing Pandora, which will be launching a new album in a few weeks’ time, will also feature. The festival will come to an end by DJ Ziggy.

The event will take place near the Gozo heliport, in Xewkija, starting at 9pm. It is sponsored by the cultural heritage directorate within the Gozo ministry.

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