In a significant development for both sports and technology in Malta, researchers are using artificial intelligence to up the game in competitive swimming training by providing real-time performance analysis for swimmers and their coaches using advanced AI technology.

The project DIVE (Data-driven Intelligent Video Evaluation) aims to use data-driven insights that could transform how swimmers train and prepare for competitions. This will be done through video analysis, with the AI system capable of analysing swimmers in action. It will recognise different strokes and provide an analysis of swimming mechanics, offering immediate feedback that could help athletes optimise their performance while reducing the risk of training-related injuries.

The project is funded by Xjenza Malta’s Research Excellence Programme and led by the above author from the Department of Artificial Intelligence within the Faculty of ICT, University of Malta. The Aquatic Sports Association of Malta (ASA) is also supporting the project, offering expertise to help develop and refine the technology.

The project also demonstrates how AI can be applied to enhance human performance in ways that were previously impossible. The research team expects to have initial results and working prototypes within the first year of the project, with potential applications extending to other aquatic sports in the future.

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