A Maltese language centre controversially set up last year under the leadership of former PBS head of news Norma Saliba has been working effectively to protect and promote the language, Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said.

He was speaking as he was handed a publication called ‘Insaħħu l-Ilsien Nazzjonali Tagħna' (Strengthening our national language) by Saliba to mark the year since the centre's setting up.  

The publication features the proceedings of a national forum on the Maltese language hosted by the centre earlier this year and the results of a survey commissioned by the centre on the state of the Maltese language. 

During the ceremony, the centre signed collaboration agreements with Arts Council Malta, the Malta Digital Information Authority, the Department of Information, the Victims of Crime Agency, Science Malta and St Vincent de Paul Home.   

Bonnici said that through its work, the language centre was making sure that the Maltese language not only remained alive but also became better appreciated in the cultural and educational context. 

Saliba said the centre was collaborating with various entities on the creation of projects and initiatives on the correct use of Maltese in various contexts includingsignage, publications, digital use and teaching to foreigners.   

Times of Malta reported last August that the chair of Malta’s National Council of the Maltese Language did not know of plans to create the new centre, responsible for his council’s administration, but has welcomed the development as a “pleasant surprise”.

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