I never tire of repeating myself that it gives me pleasure and satisfaction when civic minded persons like the members of the Rotin family put pen to paper to air their views publicly on issues affecting our locality.

It is good that they expounded their views in their recent letter showing that they are contrary to the development of a marina in Marsascala.

They, like all the residents, businessmen, shopkeepers, fishermen, bathers and everybody concerned have a sacred right to stand up and say if they are in favour of a marina or not. 

However, I feel that the Rotins' pronouncements are a little premature on the subject as nobody in the Labour Party has to date come out with any plans to set up a marina in Marsascala.

I am sure that the Rotins know that the Labour Party leadership believes strongly in consultation and dialogue and that it would never lift a finger on such controversial projects if, beforehand, it would not have taken the views of all concerned into consideration.

The MLP's Grand Harbour strategy should be an eye-opener to the Rotins. 

Before coming out with its development policies for that zone, the Labour leadership had taken pains to listen to all those concerned, and then acted accordingly. 

So I advise these friends from Marsascala that they should not have any sleepless nights about the matter as before coming out with any plans for Marsascala, Labour will surely sit down and listen to what swimmers, fishermen and owners of small boats have to say and also to what businessmen, shopkeepers, residents and environmentalists have to say. 

In due time Labour will clarify its position and it will do this in its usual professional way just as it did for the Grand Harbour development plans. What is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander.

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