The Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology is accepting online applications from prospective students wishing to enrol in courses starting in October.

The applications are open until 14 August through the MCAST website.

The college is offering over 200 courses, from introductory to advanced diploma, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate levels.

Over the past two weeks the College held information sessions on campus in Paola for prospective students and their parents. Over 600 individuals attended. Recordings of these are available on the College website for students to find out more about the College’s six institutes, namely the Institute of Applied Sciences (IAS), the Institute of Business, Management, and Commerce (IBMC), the Institute of Community Services (ICS), the Institute for the Creative Arts (ICA), the Institute of Engineering and Transport (IET), and the Institute of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

MCAST also offers several courses at its Gozo Campus and entry-level courses offered by the Centre for Learning and Employability.

A step-by-step guide on submitting an application is available online, and the admissions telephone helpline 23987888 also offers help (Monday to Friday, from 8.30 am to 2.00 pm).

Applications for current Mcast students continuing or progressing to the next level are open between Saturday, 27th July, and Wednesday 14th August 2024.


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