Medac students visit Germany

A group of students from the University's Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (Medac) recently took part in a workshop in Germany. The event was held jointly with the University of Bonn's Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI), for...

February 21, 2010| Times of Malta 1 min read
The Medac delegation and speakers at the Bonn workshop.The Medac delegation and speakers at the Bonn workshop.

A group of students from the University's Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (Medac) recently took part in a workshop in Germany. The event was held jointly with the University of Bonn's Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI), for students of both organisations. ZEI director Ludger Kühnhardt is a regular visiting lecturer at Medac.

The workshop involved a discussion of the future of the Euro-Arab dialogue and the current status of Middle East peace process held at the Bonn headquarters of the German International TV and radio station, Deutsche Welle. John Paul Grech, Malta's ambassador to Germany, also participated in the event.

In a separate event, the students were addressed by Werner Hoyer, Minister of State for the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, who spoke about 'The European Union and the Middle East Conflict'. The speech was followed by a simulation of Middle East peace negotiations conducted by Maria von Harpe.

The Medac students' visit was sponsored by the German government, and follows the setting up at the start of the 2009-2010 academic year, of the German chair for Peace and Conflict Prevention at Medac to promote broader academic exchange with Germany.

Medac director Stephen Calleya and the holder of the German Chair, Monika Wohlfeld, accompanied the students during the visit.

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