Infrastructure Malta would like to inform the public about upcoming temporary traffic changes that will come into effect on Thursday, January 2, as part of ongoing infrastructure improvements. Commuters and residents are encouraged to plan their routes accordingly to minimise disruption.

Key changes to note:

  1. Valletta to Ta’ Xbiex Route Adjustment: If travelling from Valletta towards Ta’ Xbiex, turn right near the Workers' Monument instead of continuing to the traffic lights. A newly opened road will now provide direct access to Rue d’Argens.
  2. Closure of Slip Road near Xatt Ta’ Xbiex: The slip road connecting Xatt Ta’ Xbiex to Msida Valley (opposite Johnsons) will be closed. As a result, access from Msida Valley, Tal-Qroqq, or Ta’ Xbiex will only be possible towards Valletta.

To avoid delays, commuters are advised to consider the following options:

  • Use Kappara or Regional Road for alternative access.

Routes from Msida Valley to Tal-Qroqq, Sliema, and Valletta will remain unaffected by these changes.

Infrastructure Malta apologizes for any inconvenience caused during this period. These changes are necessary to facilitate ongoing improvements to the area's infrastructure and enhance traffic flow in the long term.

For further updates, please follow our social media channels or join our WhatsApp channel group. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

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