New MCAST president appointed

Horace Laudi succeeds Ian Refalo

July 9, 2024| Times of Malta 1 min read
Horace Laudi is taking over as MCAST president. Horace Laudi is taking over as MCAST president.

Former banker Horace Laudi has been appointed MCAST board president, succeeding Ian Refalo, who has stepped down.

The appointment was made by the Education Ministry.

Laudi headed the Students' Maintenance Grants Board and previously had a 39-year career in banking. 

The ministry thanked Prof Refalo for his service as Mcast president, praising him for his useful work in the interests of the college and its students.  

Mcast is currently without a principal after James Calleja's contract was not renewed. The college is currently locked in a labour dispute with the Malta Union of Teachers over pay deals for staff.


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