One arrested as police find heroin and cocaine in Luqa residence

Qormi man to be arraigned in coming days

September 30, 2023| Times of Malta 1 min read
Some of the drugs and paraphernalia seized. Photo: Police CMRUSome of the drugs and paraphernalia seized. Photo: Police CMRU

A 31-year-old Qormi man is under arrest after a police anti-drug operation yielded around 2kg of suspected heroin and 500g of cocaine.

The suspect was surrounded by police officers in Marsa at 6.30am on Saturday and searched. Inside his vehicle police discovered a “considerable” number of drug sachets, packed and ready to be sold, as well as three mobile phones.

Officers then proceeded to a house the man owns in Luqa, where they found the heroin and cocaine hidden. Police estimate the drugs to have street value of €130,000.

Magistrate Marse-Ann Farrugia is leading an inquiry into the case, which is also the subject of a police investigation. The suspect is being held at the Floriana police depot pending his arraignment.


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