The Planning Authority has partially financed a new wing within the Oratorju Qalb ta’ Gesù complex in Mosta.

In a statement, the authority said the €850,000 project will enhance the complex’s role as a central hub for the community, providing a safe, modern, and fully accessible learning environment complete with upgraded sanitary facilities.

The PA covered €388,000 of the costs through its Development Planning Fund.

The Qalb ta’ Gesù complex has a longstanding tradition of community service, hosting a variety of groups and activities, including scouting, church functions, theatre groups, catechism classes, and recreational activities.

Managed by the Mosta Parish Church, the recent upgrades include a new multi-purpose hall designed for diverse community use, additional classrooms for catechism instruction, expanded drama facilities, and newly renovated sanitary amenities for the football ground and club room.

"These projects not only improve our shared environment but also build a stronger, more connected community for future generations," DPF chair Ray Farrugia said. 

Originally built in 1928, the Qalb ta’ Gesù Oratory was formally inaugurated in 1940.

During World War II, the complex served as a shelter for families displaced by bomb damage, highlighting its historic role as a refuge and vital community space.

The DPF provides financial support to local councils and NGOs for projects that advance community well-being, environmental quality, and social engagement.

It is primarily financed through on-street parking fees and planning gain contributions from developers.

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