Peace Lab garden revamped, opened to the public

The works were carried out by Project Green

January 14, 2025| Times of Malta 1 min read
The rehabilitated garden at the Peace Lab. The rehabilitated garden at the Peace Lab.

A large garden at the Peace Lab, near Ħal Far, has been rehabilitated by Project Green and opened to visitors looking for a bit of quiet time.

Fr Dionysius Mintoff, founder of the Peace Lab, said the site was part of an airstrip in the Second World War whereas today it was a place of peace.

“Our wish was to transform a place of war into a place of peace, and this is another step to bring people closer to this site. I invite everyone to come and see this garden,” he said.

The works included the installation of low bridges and the widening of pathways to improve accessibility while preserving the site’s biodiversity. A new lighting system was installed, designed to create a more relaxing atmosphere in the garden. Numerous trees and shrubs were planted, and children’s play equipment made from recyclable materials was installed.

The garden was visited by Environment Minister Miriam Dalli and Żurrieq Local Council.

Fr Mintoff, 93, established a Pastoral Work Centre in favour of peace in 1971 and it blossomed into the Peace Lab. A branch has been opened in The Hague.

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