Police presence on Malta's roads saw officers issuing over 400 traffic charges and fines during the Christmas period, the Malta Police Force said on Wednesday. 

In the ten days between December 22 and 31, police officers carried out 170 road checks, stopping 4,700 vehicles and issuing more than 400 fines. 

Over 85 speeding tickets were issued thanks to gun inspections while 11 drivers tested positive during a breathalyser test. 

Several vehicles were also towed due to having invalid or expired road licenses. 

Police doing their rounds also distributed educational material on parked cars to discourage drunk driving. 

Other infringements included drivers caught without a valid license, using mobile phones while driving and drivers not wearing seat belts. 

"These road inspections were coordinated by the Police Corps, with the assistance of officers from Transport Malta. This exercise of road inspections will not stop at the end of the New Year celebrations but will continue throughout the year to ensure safer roads in Malta and Gozo," a police spokesperson said. 

"The Police Corps thanks everyone for their cooperation, which has allowed us to have safe roads with no serious accidents during these festive days."

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