Qormi has been hit by repeated power outages due to a contractor damaging a high-voltage cable, Enemalta said on Thursday. 

Residents of the town have complained of their homes being affected by power cuts this week, with some complaining online that their homes experienced power outages six times this week alone. 

While some interruptions to service were planned in the locality later in the week, service provider Enemalta has that power in Qormi has been affected due to a high-voltage cable being damaged. 

"Our workers are currently responding to a high voltage cable fault in Qormi after a cable was hit by a contractor performing works for third parties. Our technicians are working to restore supply in the area as soon as possible," the agency said on their Facebook page. 

According to the Enemalta website, power is estimated to remain down for two to three hours. 

Customers are being kept updated through an SMS notification service, which anyone can subscribe to by sending an SMS with the ID card number of the account holder to 79052492.

Live updates on electricity supply disruptions are also available on the Enemalta’s website


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