Schoolchildren blessed at Għajnsielem church
Traditional ceremony ‘fosters stronger ties within the community’

A symbolic ceremony recently took place at the church dedicated to St Anthony in Għajnsielem, run by the Franciscan Friars, where schoolchildren wearing their schoolbags and other school-related items were blessed.
Fr Walter Vassallo OFM, who celebrated Mass, prayed on the children and blessed them. The children were then given a ruler, a pencil and a water flask as a token. Fr Vassallo was assisted by Br Darren Abela OFM. Mass was animated by Loredana and Albert-Lauren Agius of Għajnsielem. Around 65 schoolchildren and their parents attended the event.
This tradition attracted more families to the Church and fostered stronger ties among the community, Fr Vassallo said, adding: “As we prepare for the beginning of a new school year, we ask God’s blessings on our students, parents and teachers.”