Edward Scicluna will be earning €11,500 a month to stay at home, a figure some workers are likely to earn in a year, the PN said on Thursday.  

In a press conference, shadow ministers Ivan Castillo and Albert Buttigieg said the Central Bank governor is being awarded a monthly prize by the Labour government which is more than a full year’s minimum wage.

Scicluna stepped aside from his role this week after agreeing to a deal proposed to him by three cabinet ministers whereby he retains his position and full salary until he clears his name.  

The former Labour finance minister faces charges of fraud and misappropriation of funds in connection with the Vitals hospitals’ case.

“In 36 days, Scicluna will pocket what the average Maltese worker earns in 365 days”, Castillo said.

He added Scicluna will be pocketing €2,600 a week or €582 a day for a whopping €195,000 if he stays on till the end of his term as Governor of the Central Bank of Malta.

Apart from his salary, Scicluna will retain his responsibility allowance which amounts to €23,000, his car, mobile and wi-fi allowances, and will also keep his private health insurance.

Castillo said this deal shows how Robert Abela has lost control of cabinet and is willing to submit to the will of his predecessor Joseph Muscat.

Albert Buttigieg quoted NSO statistics which show that for the five years between 2017 and 2022, those at risk of poverty increased by 10,200 up to 85,797.

He said that the average wage in Malta amounts to €19,000 a year, which Scicluna gets for doing nothing in less than two months.

Buttigieg said that this is not what the Labour Party should be all about. 

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