Another turtle nest - the second one this summer - was discovered at Għajn Tuffieħa.

But the nest was too close to the surface and the shore, so Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) and Nature Trust Malta (NTM) officials moved the nesting to Golden Bay (Ir-Ramla tal-Mixquqa).

Volunteers discovered another turtle nest at this same bay last month.

The nest was found during a routine morning patrol by NTM volunteers. Photo: ERAThe nest was found during a routine morning patrol by NTM volunteers. Photo: ERA

The nest was found during a routine morning patrol by NTM volunteers. But its proximity to the surface and the shore made the nest vulnerable if weather conditions became unfavourable.

To maximise its chances of survival, ERA and NTM coordinated an emergency operation to transfer the eggs to a safer location at Golden Bay. The new site has also been cordoned off to ensure no direct trampling on the nest.

Beachgoers are being urged to act responsibly as excessive noise, trampling and light close to the nesting area might pose a threat to eggs and any hatchlings.

People who notice any turtle activity should immediately report it to ERA on 2292 3500 9999 9505.

Volunteers are needed to help with monitoring and other tasks related to this turtle nest. Those who wish to volunteer can get in touch on

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