Supporters of the Palestinian cause held a protest on the Sliema seafront on Wednesday, calling for an end to Israeli occupation and genocide in Gaza.

The event was organised by the Graffitti pressure group and the Palestinian embassy to remember the Nakba, 15th May,1948, the day the state of Israel was established and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their lands.

The protest called for freedom for Palestine. (Chris Sant Fournier)

Those taking part in the protest carried Palestinian flags and placards calling for an end to 'genocide'. 

"This unimaginable atrocity is taking place with the active support of many Western countries - including the United States, France, Britain and Germany - that continue to support Israel in its 76-year old quest to take over that land and to oppress the Palestinians," the organisers said. 

They called for sanctions on Israel on every level – military, political, economic and cultural.

The Youth for Palestine group was also involved in the protest.

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