Step Up for Parkinson’s, a voluntary organisation whose aim is to provide a better quality of life to those living with Parkinson’s and their carers, together with the Gozo hospital’s psychology department, is holding a lunch and talk for healthcare professionals on Wednesday at Barts Medical School (Queen Mary University of London, Malta Campus – Classroom 1, level 2). The presentation will be delivered by managing director Alexander Arena and occupational therapist Maria Bella Borg.

As a former general manager of a business company, Arena uses his experience to supervise important functions of the organisation, while Borg is an experienced occupational therapist who has been working in the field of neuro-rehabilitation for the past seven years. She joined the organisation in 2022 and underwent training to become a movement class teacher. Borg currently serves as deputy chairperson. She has played a key role in setting up the Step Up for Parkinson’s therapy centre, where she serves as a Parkinson’s coach.

The aim of the NGO is to be a voice for the Parkinson’s community in Malta and Gozo. Its mission is to improve the quality of life of those living

with Parkinson’s through the provision of free specialised creative movement classes held in different locations around Malta.

Step Up for Parkinson’s recently opened a person-centred integrated care specialised centre offering services by a Parkinson’s coach and nurse, as well as specialised services of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy.

For booking e-mail or call 2344 6322. The event will be held between noon and 1.15pm.

A CPD certificate will be given to each participant

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