Talks between the Ministry of Education and the MUT on a collective agreement for educators are continuing, and the package that has been proposed is unprecedented, Education Minister Clifton Grima said in parliament on Wednesday.
Replying to a question by Nationalist MP Ivan Castillo, he said the proposed package showed respect for educators and their important role, and included a financial package that was sustainable. He did not give details.
The talks have been going on for weeks, with the Malta Union of Teachers having called a one-day strike on November 27, insisting that the government should live up to its election promise to give teachers a ‘substantial’ pay rise.
Shadow Minister Justin Schembri referred to the recent resignation of 13 teachers and the government’s declaration that 12 teachers had been replaced so far. He asked whether all these new teachers held a warrant.
The minister said all teachers in the classrooms held a warrant. He said the government did not enjoy seeing any resignations and the talks with the MUT, and also a draft education strategy currently open for consultation, included a focus on improving conditions for educators. The minister also referred to talks being held between the UĦM with the University of Malta about a sectoral agreement for a section of workers at the university. He said proposals to break a deadlock are expected to be tabled shortly.