Temporary administrator for Xagħra parish office

Present archpriest will offer other services to the Church

January 31, 2025| Times of Malta |11 min read
Fr Alex Refalo (standing) shares a light moment with friends at Xagħra square last summer. Photo: Charles SpiteriFr Alex Refalo (standing) shares a light moment with friends at Xagħra square last summer. Photo: Charles Spiteri

Gozo Bishop Anton Teuma announced that Xagħra archpriest Fr Richard Farrugia will be relinquishing his parish office, but will be offering other services to the Church.

Thanking Fr Richard for his availability and dedication, Mgr Teuma said Fr Alex Refalo will be administering the parish in the coming days until a new archpriest is installed.

Mgr Teuma is calling on priests, committee members, parish commissions and all parishioners to collaborate with Fr Alex. Meanwhile, during this transition period, all parish committees are to act in accordance with the normal routine of the parish and no new decisions be taken, said Mgr Teuma.

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