The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Friday. 

The Times of Malta leads with the Labour Party questioning former police commissioner John Rizzo's role on a corruption advisory commission after it was revealed that his son, police officer Kurt Rizzo, has been suspended from the police force after testing positive for cocaine and is reportedly being investigated on suspicion that he was leaking sensitive police information to third parties. 

It separately reports on a KPMG study that found that Malta should consider amending plans to allow for smaller housing units to be built in order to make property more affordable. 

The Malta Independent's main story delves into the issuance of an €80 million tender by the Health Ministry as part of its plans to expand Mater Dei's accident and emergency department in order to meet its growing needs. 

It also features a report on the latest Eurobarometer survey, which found that inflation and the environment are Maltese citizens' main concerns. 

L-Orrizzont leads with a government statement which yesterday said it is in favour of enhanced cooperation between Europe and Balkan states to enact more migration controls. 

It also reports on how a French man was sentenced to 20 years in prison in France for orchestrating the repeated rape of his wife, Giselle Pelicot by scores of unknown men. 

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