The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Wednesday.

Times of Malta leads with news that a motorist who died late on Monday off the Kirkop tunnels was taking part in an illegal car race.

The newspaper separately reports that Robert Abela praised a bill which changes the way citizens can request a magisterial inquiry as it curbs abuse, while Bernard Grech slammed the bill for protecting the government from being investigated.

The Malta Independent similarly reports on both the Kirkop tunnels' fatality and the magisterial inquiry debate. 

MaltaToday also reports on how parliament has entered its second reading of Bill 125, which seeks to reform the way magisterial inquiries are appointed and carried out. 

Separately, the paper notes that PL president Alex Sciberras has distanced the party from the recent antics of former PL TV host Karl Stagno Navarra, insisting he is "acting on his own initiative".

In-Nazzjon meanwhile refers to comments by PN leader Grech who on Tuesday told party supporters the PL was just focused on resolving its own issues. 

L-orizzont leads its front with news that a forensic accountant who oversaw the Vitals inquiry is refusing to testify in Malta out of fear for his safety.

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