The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Thursday.

Times of Malta leads with news that a court has ruled that there is enough prima facia evidence for businessman Yorgen Fenech and former head of the police’s anti-money laundering unit Ray Aquilina to face trial for money laundering and corruption. 

The Times also reports that owners who are keeping their dangerous animals illegally will receive an amnesty if they register their exotic pets and, in some cases, neuter them.

The Malta Independent and In-Nazzjon both also report on the Fenech and Aquilina case.

Separately, the Independent reports on a warning by the European Commission over its insistence on allowing the trapping of finches.

In-Nazzjon meanwhile publishes comments by PN leader Bernard Grech who on Wednesday told a radio interview a Nationalist government would alleviate the cost of living burden.

L-orizzont reports on how a judge has warned a UK-based forensic accountant who is refusing to testify in Malta that he was appointed as a court expert under Maltese law and could be summoned to testify under the same law.

The newspaper also reports that an average of 47 road accidents are reported every day.

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