The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers on Monday.

Times of Malta leads with a warning by a forensic laboratory about the rising purity of cocaine, which is increasingly linked to a growing number of drug-related deaths.

The newspaper also reports that a record fine of just under €5 million given to Pilatus Bank by the FIAU has been upheld by an appeals court.

The Malta Independent leads with a protest on Sunday that saw a large crowd march along Republic Street towards the law courts protesting the proposed reform to magisterial inquiries.

In-Nazzjon meanwhile publishes comments by Bernard Grech, who on Sunday told party supporters they had a choice between a PL government that was only interested in itself and a new PN government that was invested in people.

L-orizzont leads with comments by Prime Minister Robert Abela who on Sunday told a discussion he believed in work-life balance.


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