The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers. 

Times of Malta and The Malta Independent report that lawyer Jason Azzopardi has handed the courts copies of three due diligence reports which had not been handed to the magistrate investigating the fraudulent Vitals contract case.

Times of Malta also reports that a road safety strategy launched a decade ago has missed its target of reducing road fatalities and serious injuries. 

The Independent reports that a court has rejected a challenge by NGO Repubblika for the police to arraign Pilatus Bank officials. 

MaltaToday says the Maltese are the most dissatisfied in Europe with the state of the rural environment. 

In-Nazzjon says a stubborn Robert Abela is insisting on stopping magisterial inquiries and granting immunity to corrupt politicians and their accomplices. It also reports a PN statement saying the Electrogas case is no longer one of bad administration, but a criminal one. 

L-orizzont highlights a visit to the offices of the General Workers' Union by President Myriam Spiteri Debono.

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